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The Honorable Governess
False Rumors #4

Every honorable act is driven by love.

A lady threatened by the unknown. A gentleman wishing to be the lady’s knight in shining armor. Would they acknowledge their feelings before danger strikes?

Sara Abbott had been sheltered throughout her life by those who loved her. Now, her innocence leaves her vulnerable to a villain's terror. When her employer proposed marriage to ensure her protection, Sara’s heart refused to deny the offer. She had longed for the duke’s kiss since he had comforted her in his warm embrace. Was Sara’s greatest wish to be part of a family within her grasp?

Ian Somerville was a widower who guarded his heart from love. However, when a demure governess joined his household, she soothed his sorrow away. Sara's caring nature with his daughter and her innocent charm left him yearning for a new beginning filled with happiness. When threatened with false rumors, Ian seduced his governess into becoming his bride. Could he also open his heart to love again?

What began as a marriage of protection soon blossomed into an undeniable love affair, yet one clouded in secrets. Would they reveal their secrets and declare their love for one another? Or would the threat against Sara claim victory for the destruction of their happiness?

The Honorable Governess is the last book in Laura A. Barnes’s False Rumor series. If you love a romance about a duke falling for his governess, then you’ll enjoy the simmering passion between Sara and Ian.

Enjoy The Honorable Governess today!






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Chapter One

Sara Abbott pressed her hand against her middle as she stared at the bride before her. For the past hour, she’d denied that the reflection in the mirror was the future Duchess of Somerville. A fanciful dream she’d indulged in during her loneliness but one she’d never fathomed would ever come true. Now faced with the reality of the situation, she must accept fate’s calling. While her insecurities urged her to flee, her heart begged her to remain. With every doubt rising to the surface, a whispered assurance convinced her to say “I do” when she spoke her vows.


        A warm blush spread across Sara’s cheeks at what awaited her once she left her bedchamber. The Duke of Somerville would become her husband. He’d become her protector from an unknown threat the past few months.

And after this evening, he could become her lover.


       They hadn’t even shared a kiss. The thought of sharing a bed should unsettle her innocent soul. However, she remembered his warm embrace when he comforted her during a frightful incident a month ago, and her body shivered with anticipation. His lingering touches and the intensity of his stares left Sara with no doubt that their attraction wasn’t one-sided. However, she worried he wasn’t as enamored of her as she was of him. To Sara, the sun rose and set with Ian Somerville. Most people would comment how unladylike it was for her to idolize Somerville as a hero, but he held the characteristics of a gentleman who possessed not a single flaw of imperfection.


       While she hoped their wedding resulted from Somerville professing his undying love for her, the reality was that he only offered marriage to protect her from a threat that had escalated since they arrived in London. They had traveled to London for the holiday season to visit Somerville’s late wife’s family, the Whethams. He wanted his daughter, Mairi, to remain close to her grandparents. However, their visit had spoiled once rumors spread of Sara’s involvement with the duke. Every rumor rang false, but it had garnered enough attention for the ton to question Somerville’s standing as an honorable duke among his peers.


       When she attempted to flee, Lady Whetham had stopped her by convincing Sara that her departure would harm Mairi. She feared Mairi would retreat into her shell again. Since Sara arrived in Mairi’s life, the young girl had blossomed under Sara’s attention. Not only Mairi but her father too. While the lady still grieved over her daughter’s death, she recognized how Somerville and her granddaughter cared for Sara. Lady Whetham considered Sara to be the key to Somerville’s and Mairi’s happiness.


       Lord and Lady Whetham’s kindness had overwhelmed Sara when she first arrived. Other than Somerville, Sara had been unaccustomed to friendliness from the aristocracy. Except her friends, who had become members of the peerage with their marriages. However, the employers of her past had treated her with disregard or else they’d attempted to accost her. Memories she hoped to escape from but they still kept a tight hold on her existence.


       A knock against the door ended Sara’s reflection. She didn’t want to tarnish Somerville’s pristine image by him marrying his governess, but there were no other options before her. She was alone in this world, besides her three friends, and she refused to become a burden to them. Especially since they lived full lives with their own families. With no family to turn to, she welcomed the chance to become Mairi’s mother. She made a solemn vow to make Ian proud of her and never regret his offer.


       Vivian Courtland peeked her head around the door. “I heard you are in need of a friend.”


       Sara gasped and swirled around at her friend’s voice. “You came.”


       Vivian rushed to Sara’s side. “Of course, dear heart. I would not have missed your wedding for the world.”


       Sara’s lips trembled as she fought to keep her tears from falling. She thought she was alone in the world. However, Ian had already proven himself worthy of her affections by seeing to the comforting warmth of her friendships. Vivian’s arrival was proof of his devotion to her. While she wanted nothing more than to become his wife, her doubts about her status as his governess kept her rooted in her bedchamber. Sara hoped Vivian would help her see reason and calm her insecurities.


       Vivian brushed her thumb under Sara’s eye, capturing a tear. “Today is for smiles, no tears.” She held her arms open for Sara.


       Sara fell into Vivian’s embrace and whispered, “This is a mistake.”


       Vivian led Sara to the settee near the fireplace. “A blessing, I believe.”


       Sara lifted her head off Vivian’s shoulder. “A blessing?”


       Vivian nodded.


       “Not for everyone involved. For myself, yes. This marriage will offer me the security I have never held. However, the marriage for the duke will only bring shame upon him and his daughter.”


       “You speak utter nonsense,” Vivian denied.


       Sara sighed. “I wish I do. However, I only speak the truth.”


       “Is this the reason you hide?”


       Sara pinched her lips and stayed silent.


       Vivian brushed her hand down Sara’s head in a comforting caress. It reminded Sara of how her grandmother used to comfort her, which brought forth another ache of sadness. Sara wished her grandmother were alive to see her marry the gentleman of her dreams. Nana would’ve known the exact words to quiet Sara’s nerves. She missed her grandmother something fierce. Her entire life, the lady had offered Sara her love and guidance, even though it had been a struggle to raise her. She’d never once made Sara feel as if she were a burden. While Somerville never expressed he considered marrying her to be, Sara thought differently. She refused to be a burden to anyone, like she was to her parents.


       “I wish you could see yourself as others do,” Vivian continued when Sara never responded. “You are the sweetest soul I have the fortune of calling a friend. If Grace and Flora were here, they would agree. Your gentle guidance over the past year helped us to overcome our difficulties and urged us not to deny the love within our grasp. It is my greatest honor to offer you that wisdom now. Somerville is smitten with you, my friend, and his daughter has thrived under your care. You are the missing piece to their family. Do not deny them or yourself this happiness.”


       “His offer of marriage is but a noble gesture. I do not wish to be a burden.”


       Vivian chuckled. “Oh, Sara. Somerville’s offer is anything but noble. You are far from a burden to him.”


       Sara’s eyebrows pinched together. “I do not understand.”


       Vivian smiled at her friend with patience. Sara’s innocence made her the perfect bride for the Duke of Somerville. She only hoped the duke didn’t wait too long before confessing the depth of his love for Sara. Her friend remained in a fragile state, with the threats to her safety escalating. She needed reassurance more than anything.


       Vivian gathered Sara’s hands in hers. “Somerville’s offer of marriage was inevitable. He is a gentleman who desires you and would have eventually offered for your hand. Somerville would never have tarnished your virtue for his own pleasure.”


       Sara blushed at what Vivian implied. “But he has attempted no untoward advances.”


       “Nor would he. He values your innocence and does not want you to view him in the same light as his other peers.”


       “Lord Baldridge.”


       Vivian squeezed Sara’s hands. “Aye.”


       Lord Baldridge, Sara’s former employer, was an earl who’d attempted to seduce her with his wife in the next room. While she had enjoyed caring for his children, he’d made her employment uncomfortable. She’d confided her dilemma to her friends, and they had retaliated by seeking their revenge against the lord at a ball. They embarrassed Lord Baldridge with their truth and Vivian’s act of pulling his hairpiece off his head. However, their act of revenge only ruined them. Lord Baldridge kept his rankings in the peerage, while Sara and her friends were dismissed and shunned from ever finding employment in England. A scandalous rumor resulted in defending her honor, one that had left them desolate.


        With Vivian’s determination, she’d secured their positions in Scotland. As a result, Vivian, Grace, and Flora had found their happily ever after. Sara found much joy in their happiness. However, she was realistic enough to understand she’d never be so lucky to find the same bliss. It was only fanciful dreams she envisioned where the duke declared his love for her. Never in her wildest fantasies had she ever imagined she would become his bride.


       “The rumor started again.”


       “Somerville explained in his letter.”


       Sara attempted a smile. “While I am comforted by your arrival, you did not need to travel to London for my sake.”


       “We had just arrived in London to visit Maximilian’s family when we received word from Somerville. So it is no hardship but an honor to join in your celebration. Is Mairi excited you will be her new mama?” Vivian asked.


       Sara’s smile widened. “She has been a bundle of energy ever since we told her.”


       Vivian laughed. “Oh, that warms my heart to hear. And the Whethams?”


       “They express their happiness with the union and have welcomed me into their family as if I were one of their own.”


       Vivian stood and held out her hands. “Then there is no reason to delay any longer.”


       Sara allowed Vivian to help her rise and guide her toward the door. While Sara could name a hundred different reasons to stall, only her insecurities kept her from walking down the stairs and becoming the Duchess of Somerville. Because for every reason to delay, she also held every reason to marry Ian. And they far outweighed her doubts.


       From this day forth, Sara vowed she would bring no shame upon Somerville and Mairi. She would devote herself to their happiness. Because once she spoke her vows, she would find so much joy in becoming a family with them. Any doubts about their marriage would vanish once Somerville fell in love with her the way she loved him.


       Sara hugged Vivian. “Thank you for helping me see reason.”


       Vivian returned the hug. “’Tis what friends are for.”


       Sara had never been alone at all.


Somerville paced back and forth across his father-in-law’s study as he waited for Sara to join them. He feared he’d pressured Sara into marrying him with his abrupt proposal. He played upon her vulnerability to keep her protected because of her limited options, but his only reason was that he refused to wait another day to marry her. His urgency only proved the rumors to hold the truth, even though they were far from it. His only intimacy with his governess was when he’d comforted her from a fright in a roomful of their closest friends. However, none of them would dare betray him or Sara. All of them had proven their loyalty and would protect Sara to the end if necessary.


       Sara awakened his soul again when he held her in his embrace. Since she’d arrived at his home to govern his daughter, he had denied his feelings and fought his attraction to her. When he learned of the ordeal of her last employer’s transgressions, he’d refused to make her uncomfortable by any means. Instead, he’d held his admiration in check while she cared for Mairi. But after holding her soft curves against him, he’d realized he could no longer refuse what his heart wanted. Was he a selfish bastard by convincing Sara to marry him? Aye. But he refused to bend. Especially when he wanted to protect her and offer her the family she deserved.


       Mairi loved Sara as a mother. Sara’s devotion to his daughter only endeared her to him even more. Before she arrived, Mairi had found no joy in life but suffered every day from her sorrows. The governesses before Sara had never allowed Mairi to mourn. Instead, they’d tried to force her to forget her mother. Once Sara arrived, her gentle direction had allowed Mairi to grieve and enjoy the simple acts in life again.


       He could spend hours reciting every single glowing attribute about Sara, but it still wouldn’t excuse his behavior. With each second of her delay in joining them for their wedding, guilt festered in his gut. His selfish needs had frightened her.


       “I am no better than Lord Baldridge,” Somerville muttered.


       Lord Courtland scoffed. “Baldridge is gutter swine and not even considered a gentleman.”


       “Still, my intentions are even less honorable.”


       Courtland leaned back in the chair. “You cannot compare yourself to Baldridge. He only wanted to ruin Miss Abbott, where your intention is to protect her.”


       Somerville winced at how Courtland made him out to be Sara’s hero. His obvious attention toward his governess raised many eyebrows. He was positive Courtland had noticed and was too much of a gentleman to state otherwise. His in-laws hadn’t been so reluctant to state their opinion of his behavior toward his governess. In fact, they’d surprised him with how they encouraged the suit.


       When they arrived for the holiday season, they had treated Sara with the proper distance they did with all of their servants. However, as the days passed, they’d noticed how Mairi blossomed under Sara’s care. Soon, their own sorrows had lifted by Sara’s kind gestures to keep his late wife’s memory alive. Her kindhearted actions with Mairi had shown his mother-in-law how special Sara was to them. After the holiday season ended, Lady Whetham had commented on his longing glances and encouraged him to pursue Sara. His father-in-law wholeheartedly agreed. They didn’t hold the strict opinion of the peerage about only associating with their station.


       Somerville cleared his throat. “No need to placate me, Courtland. You are well aware I hold a tenderness for Miss Abbott.”


       Courtland winked and raised his glass of whiskey at Somerville. “All the more reason to make her your bride. A scandal is the last thing the miss needs. However, you acting upon your desires after you wed is between you and Miss Abbott. You are only preventing the governess’s ruination by making her your duchess.”

       “It still does not justify my actions.”


       Courtland sighed, sitting forward in the chair. “Set aside the threats against Miss Abbott. What are your feelings for the lady? Would you have eventually made her your bride?”


       Somerville strode to the bar cart and poured himself a whiskey. He had refrained from any spirits until now because of his need to keep a clear head. However, his doubts soared and crashed with regret for pushing her into a marriage she may not have wanted. Perhaps he was mistaken about the tender gazes she bestowed upon him when she thought he wasn’t aware. Was he forcing her into a commitment she wanted to share with somebody else?


       He threw back the shot in one swallow. Courtland’s all-knowing stare stayed fixated on him as he waited for an answer. Somerville poured another drink as a delay tactic. It was a harsh admittance but one most obvious because of the difference in their ranks in society. He was a duke who employed Sara as his governess. It didn’t matter how his heart had ached for more the past few months. In truth, if there were never any threats against Sara and the rumors of an illicit affair between them hadn’t spread through the ton’s gossip vine, he never would’ve offered her marriage.


       Courtland grabbed the drink from Somerville’s hand and poured it out into a nearby plant. “Let us keep our wits about us. Aye?”


       Somerville swiped his hand down his face. “Aye.” He took up his pacing again to calm his nerves. “I care about Miss Abbott deeply. However, threats and rumors aside, I doubt if I would have offered for her hand. My status in society would never allow me the freedom.”


       He paused at the gasp echoing around them. When he turned toward the doorway, he saw Sara hovering over the threshold with her arms wrapped around her middle. She opened her mouth and then closed it again. With tears in her eyes, she turned and fled.


       “Sara,” Somerville croaked.


       He ran after her, only for Lady Courtland to stand in his way. She held out her hand. “Give her a moment to compose herself.”


       Somerville growled. “Please step aside.”


       Courtland stepped to his wife’s side to further block Somerville. “Allow Miss Abbott a few minutes to herself before you follow her.”


       “But …”


       Lady Courtland placed her hand on Somerville’s sleeve. “She will not run.”


       Sommerville stared at the emptiness behind the Courtlands. He’d lost her. Not physically but emotionally. Whatever he would say to her, she would never believe him. She’d overheard the truth, and no matter what feelings they held for each other, his honesty had set them on a path of disappointment.


       Disappointment they could hopefully overcome as long as regret never settled between them.​ 


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